United Real Estate
10780 Parkridge Blvd, Ste 80
Reston, VA 20191

Are you having a house, town house, or condo built?

It is recommended that you actually get a two part inspection for a new construction;

1) a Pre DRY-WALL inspection (typically a month or two before closing, this allows the inspector to get a good look behind the walls - and also provides you with a great opportunity to take some photos or how the house is plumbed in & wired in the event you want to make any changes later, or have a problem with a specific area of the house)

2) and, a final walk-through inspection (* typically withing 24 - 48 hours before closing).

Getting a home inspection is perhaps one of the single-most important “checks” you need to conduct to make sure the home is safe and secure. Beyond 'comfort factor', the inspection can help you determine several things, for example:

Did the builder adhere to all local building codes?

Are there safety defects that needs to be fixed?

Even through a home is new, there may be a RADON issue (* given the hard clay dirt that makes up most of our area, it is very common in Northern Virginia for homes to have high Radon Gas levels).

Many builders function as 'project managers' for the construction project, and thus, sub-contract to other companies some portions of the building process. While your builder in all likelihood has great integrity, a high level of standards, and the best of intentions, it does not mean that the sub's have the same level of standards related to your house.

If there is a big-problem, you can have it fixed before you move in, or if the problems is too big, you may even consider opt-out of buying the home.

Watch the video below from one new home inspection to see how much they found: